DIY Cucumber Lemon Face Toner

Cucumber Lemon Face Toner ~ Cheryl's Delights

1 ½ cup roughly cut cucumber
Juice of one  lemon (roughly 1/8 – ¼  cup)
½ cup witch hazel
¼ cup distilled water (I use well water)

In a food processor or blender, add the cucumber and lemon juice.  Blend till fully ‘mushed’ :-P .    In a bowl or 2 cup measuring cup, add the witch hazel and water.   With a strainer and some cheese cloth, strain the cucumber mixture into the witch hazel mixture.  Use a small icing spatula to get all the tiny bits of goodness into your cheese cloth.  DSC_1369Once it has drained for a bit fold up the cheesecloth and squeeze out the rest of the juice.  This will make about 1 ¼ to 1 ½ cups of toner.  Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for several weeks.
To use your toner, apply to a cotton ball or pad and wipe your face.
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