Better than Vicks Vapor Rub

Coconut Chest Rub

Coconut Chest Rub

1 heaping spoonful extra virgin coconut oil, in solidified state
3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
3 drops lemon essential oil
*3 drops peppermint essential oil

*my first batch didn't include this, but my next one did!!
As always, remember to keep essential oils out of the reach of children, and try to use organic ingredients when you can.

1. Mix them together in a small pot and rub into your chest and upper back.

2. If it's coldish in the house (say, less than mid-20c C or 60s F) you can keep this out at room temperature. Otherwise, put it in a cool place (like the fridge or entryway) so the coconut oil doesn't liquify.


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