50 Tips For Ultimate Health(Skin,Hair and Body)

50 Tips For Ultimate Health, Gorgeous Skin, Beautiful Hair & A Perfect Body

health and beauty tips 

Perfect Health & Wellbeing

1. Grab a bag of dried Goji berries. The miracle berry has a huge number of health benefits such as defending the liver, improving eyesight, improving fertility, boosting the immune system and enhancing blood circulation. 2. If pain is holding you back, then learn how to eliminate it naturally with a Shakti mat and and Yantra mat. Alternatively, learn how you can use a Juniper based cream combined with 31 essential oils, such as chamomile and lavender to get rid of pain. You can get this Juniper cream on Amazon. herbal tea 3. Incorporate herbal teas into your daily routine. Herbal teas soothe and relieve pain and relieve stress. They also have a huge number of other health benefits and can help to optimize your daily functioning. 4. Include apple cider vinegar in your daily diet and experience the many internal and external health benefits. ACV fights germs, improves digestion, decreases cholesterol and normalizes weight. Externally it maintains healthy skin, slows down the process of aging, gives you lustrous hair and prevents dry hair and scalp. 5. If you want to enhance your breasts without invasive and expensive surgical treatment, try this breast enhancement cream. A number of reviews have suggested that it really does work. If your breast size damages your confidence, or if you just want to go up a size, try this cream.
6. Consume a teaspoon of honey daily and help keep cancer at bay. Honey is loaded with carcinogen preventing and anti-tumor properties. Plus, honey acts as a fantastic natural energy booster so have a teaspoon if you have the 3pm “blahs”. 7. If you have no energy and you want a natural pick me up without the harsh side effects (like a sugar crash) try these herbs: ginseng, gota kola, black walnut, liquorice root, fennel, peppermint and cayenne. 8. To improve your overall health, consider detoxing with these herbs. For a liver detox try dandelion, for a colon detox try psyllium and for a lymph detox try Echinacea. 9. Feeling a bit anxious and stressed? Try these top 10 herbal sedatives to help you relax. Such sedatives include lavender, lemon balm, kava kava and many more. 10. Depression is one of the most common psychological conditions and affects a huge number of people. If you are one of them and you want to alleviate the symptoms naturally then try these herbs and supplements for depression. They include St John’s Wort, fish oil, saffron and many more.

Gorgeous Skin

11. Apply coffee to your skin. Coffee has antioxidant properties that enable it to fight free radicals and neutralize reactions caused by oxidation. It is also a gentle exfoliator which helps to break up fatty deposits that we know as cellulite. Take a look at our coffee scrub and coffee face mask recipe. 12. Apply Shea Butter to your face prior to going to sleep. It reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, scars and blemishes and moisturizes skin. 13. If you struggle with acne breakouts, try applying some jojoba oil. Breakouts often occur because oil blocks the pores, jojoba oil has a unique structure that prevents this from occurring. essential oils 14. The scent of essential oils is not the only way they can be used. Pick up some neroli oil, frankincense oil, chamomile oil, cypress oil, essential oil of myrrh and rose oil and use them for their skin care and anti-aging qualities. You can pick up all of these essential oils and a number of others by purchasing this Essential Oil Beginner Kit. 15. No one likes puffy eyes, but they can be reduced with a number of natural remedies. For example, apply moistened and fridge cooled teabags to closed eyes. Alternatively cut a fig, potato or cucumber and place on the eyelids. 16. Eliminate wrinkles, tighten your skin and look younger with hydrogen water. Grab a hydrogen water bottle from Amazon and enjoy the youth enhancing qualities of hydrogen water. 17. If you have stretch marks and you want to get rid of them, apply one of these three oils: vitamin E oil, pure emu oil or wheat germ oil. These 100% natural treatments work to significantly reduce your stretch marks. Actually, there’s a fourth oil you can use – coconut oil. Read about the benefits of coconut oil for stretch marks. 18. Or, if oils don’t tickle your fancy for getting rid of stretch marks, try some cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is a safe, antioxidant rich natural product that moisturizes, smooths and provides an alluring flavor. 19. To reduce acne flare ups on your skin, try and stick to the Divide Your Plate In Four diet. This diet involves consuming one quarter protein, one quarter whole grain complex carbohydrates, and one quarter each of fruits and vegetables. This is supposed to work as you limit consumption of high glycemic index foods which have been linked to acne breakouts. 20. Here’s a few tips and products you can use to improve your eye health. To alleviate redness and fine lines try Grateful Body Essential Eye Cream, to reduce bags under the eyes try Simply Divine Botanicals’ Pack Your Bags They’re Leaving Instant Gratification Eye Gel, to plump up fine lines try Chae Organics Vital Eyes and for dark circles try a light deflecting mineral powder make up.

21. Achieve a
natural sauna glow with this recipe. Pour 4 cups (1 liter) of boiling water over 1 tea bag each of peppermint and chamomile in a large heatproof bowl. Keep it uncovered and let it steep for 2 minutes to avoid burns. Place a towel over your head and the bowl to let the steam enter your pores. Get your 10 minute sauna. For dry skin use 2 tablespoons of rose petals and 1 teaspoon almond oil. For oily skin use 2 tablespoons each of dried rosemary and lavender in your steam water. Or, you can use 1/2 cup fresh parsley, 1/4 cup fresh peppermint (both chopped), and 1/2 lemon (sliced) for a deep cleaning and invigorating sauna. 22. Wheat germ oil has been identified as a highly effective oil to rehydrate dry skin and heal cracked skin. It also helps to reduce stretch marks. Grab a bottle of this oil and use it for beautiful, glowing skin. 23. If you have dry lips, apply honey to a slice of cucumber and place honey side down on your dry lips. Leave on as long as possible to reap the maximum benefits. Alternatively, apply either extra virgin olive oil or castor oil to your lips for instant hydration. 24. To eliminate dry scaly feet and roughness use a pumice stone in the shower. Then apply a thick cream such as Burt’s Bees Coconut Foot Cream. 25. Papaya is a great skin softener so once a month apply it to your skin for hydrated, healthy glowing skin. Here’s a papaya scrub recipe, a papaya massage gel, and a mask you can create in a few minutes for instant results. Papaya scrub: Make a paste of papaya with rice powder to scrub out impurities. Papaya massage gel: Mix papaya + honey + lemon = make it into a paste and massage for 15 mins. Papaya mask: Paste made of papaya and basin floor makes a great mask… keep it for 15 minutes and rinse off before it is fully dried. homemade face masks 26. Want to eliminate acne using face masks? If so, try these homemade acne face mask recipes involving honey, yogurt, strawberry and bentonite. 27. For maintaining a healthy glow to your face while maintaining your skin at its optimal pH, apply 3 part water to 1 part apple cider vinegar to your face with a cotton ball every AM and PM. If you’re in a hurry simply spray it or splash it for a naturally youthful appearance. 28. Or, do you want to try this dead sea mud soap for clearing acne, eczema and psoriasis? 29. Chemical laden products that we apply to our skin daily can have highly toxic consequences for not only our skin, but also our environment. Avoid these downfalls by switching to natural alternatives – and perhaps the most important switch you can make is by swapping your sunscreen for one of these five natural alternatives. avocado face mask 30. Avocadoes are one of the most beneficial ingredients when applied topically to your face in a face mask. Try these two avocado face mask recipes to hydrate the skin without adding too much oil. Plus, if you’re a fan of using face masks for improving your complexion, then take a look at these top five best homemade face masks. 31. Zinc is one of the most important minerals for clear, healthy skin. Take a zinc gluconate supplement and watch your skin become clear and glowing.

Luscious Hair

32. Have you ever noticed how adoringly beautiful your hair is after a quick dip in the ocean. The salt water does wonders for your hair, so if you can try to regularly have a dip in the ocean. If you aren’t lucky enough to live close to the ocean, then try this sea salt hair spray recipe. 33. Try a hot oil treatment for your hair using this recipe. Try olive, coconut or castor oil, perhaps with the addition of a few essential oils such as lavender, rosemary or chamomile. 34. If you want to moisturize your hair without using harsh chemical cosmetics, try these homemade natural moisturizing hair treatments. naturally get rid of dandruff 35. Dandruff a problem? No worries, try these five homemade remedies for dandruff. Try adding some tea tree oil to a natural shampoo, apply white vinegar and water to your hair and scalp, massage fresh lemon and lime into your hair, mix beets with vinegar to reduce flaking and finally soak fenugreek seeds in water and mash to a paste and apply to the scalp and hair. 36. Oils are one of the best products to massage our hair and scalp with to promote hair health, prevent hair loss and promote new hair growth. Take a look at our opinion of the top 10 best oils for hair and try using them on your hair. Take particular attention to olive oil, coconut oil and castor oil. Other oils that are highly effective but are not included on that list are argan oil and grape seed oil. Try them out! 37. Bentonite clay is a natural substance derived from volcanic ash. It contains over 70 natural trace minerals that are hugely beneficial for hair. Applying bentonite clay mixed with apple cider vinegar or coconut milk is hugely beneficial for hair health. Take a look at these two bentonite clay conditioning recipes. 38. Regular shampoos contain a number of harmful ingredients that can do more harm than good. Making the switch to these natural shampoos is one your hair will be eternally thankful for.natural shampoo for gorgeous hair 39. Should this be included in the luscious hair section? Why not! If you want to get long luscious lashes, then dip a Q-tip into some extra virgin olive oil and run it along your lash lines, then pass it down the length of each lash. If you do this every night for two weeks, you will notice a marked increase in the softness, thickness and length of your lashes.

A Perfect Body

40. Replace some of your meals with healthy smoothies. These smoothies provide all of the vitamins, nutrients and minerals you need without all of the calories. 41. According to recent research, a diet high in monounsaturated fats specifically appears to decrease ab fat. Eat only good fats such as nuts, avocados, and olive oil. 42. If you want to lose fat fast, then try the lemonade diet. On this diet, a lemonade mixture should be consumed 10-12 times daily. The lemonade mixture is made up of freshly squeezed lemons, grade B maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper and mixed with 8oz’s of water. yoga for weight loss 43. Try Bikram and Hot Yoga to burn up to 630 calories per hour. This is the most effective form of yoga for weight loss. Watch The Barkan Method: Hot Yoga to discover how to use this form of yoga to lose weight. 44. Take part in some Zumba classes and watch your fat melt off. Research has shown that Zumba burns up to 400 calories per hour for a person weighing 170 pounds and close to 600 calories for someone weighing 250 pounds. Try this Zumba Transformation Workout and burn those calories off. 45. Consume 4g of Saigon cinnamon prior to meal time to reduce the Gylcaemic Index of that meal by up to 29%. This is important because the higher the GI, the more the meal causes your blood sugar to rise and this can lead to weight gain. 46. Similarly, consume three tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice prior to meal time and decrease the GI by up to 10%. 47. Apply an ice pack to your trapezius for 30 minutes in the evening. The ice pack will activate the fat burning properties of brown fat to burn calories without you having to lift a finger. Similarly, immerse yourself in ice cold water for a more profound effect, but perhaps a little more painful! Or, for less pain (but also less gain) drink 500ml of ice cold water in the morning to kick-start thermogenesis. Ideally, use all three of these strategies. 48. Add some spice to your meal times with some fresh chilli or cayenne pepper to increase your resting metabolism by up to 50% for three hours – that can be an extra 50-100 calories just for consuming a few spices. 49. Consume more vitamin D to help you lose up to 80% belly fat. Vitamin D promotes fat metabolism, drains fat cells, decreases appetite and increases muscle strength. 50. Did you know that you can use essential oils to help you lose weight? Research by Dr. Alan Hirsch has conducted more than 200 studies on the effects that taste and smell have on our health. He suggests that by regularly rotating the scents you can smell you can seriously cut your cravings. He suggests buying a diffuser necklace and adding a few drops of peppermint oil, grapefruit oil, bergamot, vanilla or orange oil and rotating the smells every few hours.


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