5 Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

When most people think of nourishment, it’s usually in the form of a healthy diet – plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and water. But while wholesome food is certainly essential for physical growth, is it enough to satisfy your hunger for life?

As a Holistic Health Coach, one of the most insightful things I’ve learned in my training is the concept of primary food. It states that true health means more than just the physical condition of the body, and the food we eat is often secondary to the experiences and excitement in our lives. This energy fulfills us on a multi-dimensional level that includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  If one of these areas is out of balance, it could drain your ability to create an overall vibrant state of health and happiness.

Assessing your relationships, physical activity, career, and spirituality, can help pinpoint where you are feeling unsatisfied and why. More importantly, figuring out what you need to do in order to regain balance can provide the motivation you need to make changes. This will not only nourish the parts of you that may be starving for attention, but foster the personal environment necessary to thrive in all aspects of life.

Here are 5 ways to feed your spirit:

1. Do what you love. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a career that is aligned with your passion in life? Even if you have a busy day, your perception of stress would be far lower in a job where you’re working towards something you believe in. Less stress means better health, happier mood, and more positive influence on others. 

If you’re currently unhappy in your job, don’t settle for just being content and comfortable because the pay is decent. Do a little soul-searching and ask yourself what you would do every day if there were no limitations. Pursue that vision with your whole heart!

2. Surround yourself with supportive people. 

Your level of happiness is directly dependent upon the moods of those around you, so why let yourself be dragged down by negative people who constantly deflate you? Gravitate instead towards those who encourage you to strive towards fulfilling your goals and share in the joy of your accomplishments. It will propel you to new heights.

3. Listen to your body. 

Everybody is unique. People widely vary in which foods make them feel great or awful, how far they can push their endurance, how sensitive they are to the stimuli around them, and what they need to feel their best. If your intuition tells you that something doesn’t feel right, avoid it – no matter how many others tell you it has been beneficial for them. Only you know what is best for you, so make a habit of observing the subtle signals of your body.

4. Connect with something bigger than yourself. 

It can be easy to get caught up in the tangles of daily living and lose sight of what really matters in life, such as health, happiness, and love. Making time for spiritual practice, whether it’s practicing meditation or visiting a temple, will go a long way in keeping you grounded, peaceful, and clear in your vision of the future.

5. Learn and grow. 

One of the biggest benefits to living in the modern age of unlimited access to information is that there are always new opportunities to expand your knowledge. Whether it’s acquiring new skills to further your career, boosting your creative abilities, or taking a personal development course, learning new things can contribute to your zest for life while keeping the door open to new possibilities. 

How do you nourish your spirit?

Photo Credit: Shutterstock


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