3 RAW Recipes in 3 Minutes

3 Raw Recipes in 3 Minutes.
raw zucchini soup
Here are some super simple, super delicious, easy-to-make raw recipes that can be ready in 3 minutes!

Miso Magic: Heat 2 cups of water but don’t bring to a boil. Add 2-3 tablespoons of chickpea miso and dissolve miso in water. Add a handful or two of kelp noodles and pieces of nori. Serve with cracked pepper and avocado slices.

  • About Miso: Miso belongs to the highest class of medicines, those which prevent disease and strengthen the body through continued usage.

— Dr. Shinichiro Akizuki,
Director, St. Francis Hospital, Nagasaki

  • Chickpea miso is an excellent source of naturally occurring digestive enzymes, friendly bacteria to promote balanced gut flora, vitamins, essential amino acids, protein and minerals. Miso has been known to be a powerful anti-carcinogen.

Avo and Kimchi: Half an avocado, sprinkled with some hemp seeds mixed with some raw locally made Kim-Chi is a delicious and energizing combo. For a more filling meal, add a handful of spinach to the mix.

  • Read about the benefits of cultured vegetables: (link to cultured veggies article)
  • Avocado is filled with healthy fats that help to strengthen nails, make hair shine and skin silky. It is also wonderful brain food.

Beautifully Blended: In a Vitamix, add one avocado, 2 tablespoons of Tomato Concentrate by Premier Research labs, a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar, half a zucchini, a scoop of chickpea miso, and fresh water. Blend and season with cayenne and salt.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar is an alkalizing liquid that is known for it’s many curative properties. Adding it to your soups, over your veggies or just drinking with water can help supply you with amazing life-giving and healing rejuvenation.


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