Fennel Tea for Overindulgence
Fennel Tea for Overindulgence
When Amaressa had colic (we later found out it was trouble pains from me eating dairy and nursing her), I would give her a teaspoon of fennel tea. Sometimes I'd give her an organic washcloth soaked in the infusion to suck on or a syringe. She liked the taste and it seemed to give her relief, whether it was just relief from crying because she liked the new experience or enjoying the taste or whether it actually helped her digestion - I don't know. I couldn't really ask her.
I do know fennel seeds have helped me considerably. Lately, dairy and gluten have been culprits of bloating, skin congestion, and a general feeling of fatigue. I do not indulge in them often, usually sticking to holidays. Always after, I make myself a cup of fennel tea.
I usually just pluck a small handful to a big cup of steaming water and then sip the licorice-smelling concoction, chewing on the seeds when they float to the top. You can feel free to drain yours if you don't like floaters but you won't get the full benefit from the seeds.
Been eating garlic? This is also an incredible breath freshener! It's great after any meal.
Alright ladies and gents, get that fennel out of your spice cupboard and get drinking.
Watch out nursing mothers, fennel has been known to increase milk supply. Just a heads up.
Fennel Infusion
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 c boiling water
1. Infuse seeds for at least ten minutes (cover cup with a plate if you like yours steaming hot).
2. Enjoy! (Drain for floater-less tea)
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