Day 15 of EPIC | 30 Min Tabata Full Body HIIT Workout at Home

It is a tabata style format in that it is 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest throughout for 4 minutes per set (pair of exercises). Once you complete 4 minutes of a section, we then have 10 seconds rest to begin next set and so on! This workout is split into 7 pairs of exercises: SQUAT WALK TO BURPEE DIAGONAL SQUAT WALK LUNGE TO KICK CURTSEY LUNGE TO SIDE KICK (same leg) DIVE BOMB PUSH UPS ALT LEG RAISE TRICEP PUSH UP 180° LUNGE JUMPS ON TOES CROUCH JUMP KNEE TUCK LEAN TO KICK WIDTH X3 SQUAT JUMP ALTERNATING GLUTE BRIDGE JUMP HAMSTRING MARCH ROLL TO PUSH UP TRAVELLING MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Burnout: 1 minute PUSH UP BURPEE TO 2 x LUNGE JUMPS!!! Try to do as many reps as possible for the 20 seconds!!



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