Day 10 of EPIC | 30 Min Full Body Burpee HIIT


The timer will be on for 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds rest before moving onto next burpee! 40 seconds is a longer period for HIIT as apposed to say 20 seconds. You still want to go at a fast pace but still ‘pacing’ yourself! PUSH UP X 2 2 X LUNGE JUMPS 180° JUMP ONE ARMED BURPEE ONE ARMED BURPEE SQUAT WALK SINGLE LEG TO PISTOL SINGLE LEG TO PISTOL TUCK JUMP PLANK UP & DOWN SQUAT HOLD CLAP PUSH UP DONKEY KICK 1/4 BURPEE SCORPIO X4 PUSH UP SQUAT JUMPS X 4 PLANK BRIDGE RAINBOW KICKS X 5 HOPS TO PLANK SUMO SQUAT PULSES X 5 ALT HIGH KNEES X 10 WIDE TO NARROW PUSH UPS TRAVELLING MOUNTAIN CLIMBER (X10) PLANK TO ALT LUNGE REVERSE SNOW ANGEL TRICEP HOLD HOT FEET (approx x5 seconds) BURPEE BURN OUT


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