DROP IT LOW Leg Day - Compound Leg Workout | EPIC Heat - Day 33


The timer will be on for a majority of the workout for 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest! The staple exercise (the front foot elevated lunges superset) will be 40/60! HEEL ELEVATED SQUATS HEEL ELEVATED SQUATS HEEL ELEVATED SQUATS FOOT ELEVATED LUNGE (40 seconds) DEADSTOP LUNGE (1 minute) FOOT ELEVATED LUNGE (40 seconds) DEADSTOP LUNGE (1 minute) SQUATS SQUATS SQUATS FOOT ELEVATED LUNGE (40 seconds) DEADSTOP LUNGE (1 minute) FOOT ELEVATED LUNGE (40 seconds) DEADSTOP LUNGE (1 minute) PAUSED RDL PAUSED RDL PAUSED RDL FOOT ELEVATED LUNGE (40 seconds) DEADSTOP LUNGE (1 minute) FOOT ELEVATED LUNGE (40 seconds) DEADSTOP LUNGE (1 minute) 1 1/2 REP STAGGERED RDL 1 1/2 REP STAGGERED RDL (switch) 1 1/2 REP STAGGERED RDL (switch) 1 1/2 REP STAGGERED RDL (switch) B/W FORWARD LEAN LUNGE (40 sec)FWD LEAN REAR STEP LUNGE (1 minute) B/W FORWARD LEAN LUNGE (40 sec) FWD LEAN REAR STEP LUNGE (1 minute) Finisher: 30/30/30... LATERAL LUNGE one side LATERAL LUNGE switch side PULSES (switch side) PULSES (switch side) ALTERNATING COSSACK SQUAT SUMO 1/2 REPS Yes, the glutes, hamstrings and quads really are targeted in this session! I incorporated the staple being the foot elevated lunge as it is one of my favourite for hip and hamstring flexibility, help with any imbalances, improve balance, increase core stability and the extra depth can allow for more glutes involved! I hope you love the staple superset too!


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