40 MINUTE GLUTE WORKOUT - Dumbbell + Band | Complex Series - Day 3

The timer will be set for 3 minutes per complex with 30 seconds rest between each complex! For this glute isolation workout, you will need a pair of dumbbells, one heavier dumbbell, a kettlebell and you can use a barbell for hip thrusts if you have access!The dumbbell I am using is 25kg. A chair or bench is required for the hip thrusts and Bulgarian lunges however you can perform lunges with both feet on the floor and instead of hip thrusts, you can perform bridges on the mat. HIP THRUST x10 ‘SLOW’ HIP THRUST x10 SEATED ABDUCTION x15 B/W HIP THRUST x15 SUMO SQUAT x10 1/2 REP x10 B/W 1/2 REP x10 FWD LEAN BULGARIAN LUNGE x15 REAR STEP LUNGE x15 FWD LEAN BULGARIAN LUNGE x15 REAR STEP LUNGE x15 SIDE LEG LIFT x10 CIRCLES x10 CIRCLES (switch direction) x10 SIDE LEG LIFT x10 CIRCLES x10 CIRCLES (switch direction) x10 DONKEY LIFT x10 PULSES x10 DONKEY LIFT x10 (switch side) PULSES x10 SINGLE LEG BRIDGE x20 GLUTE BRIDGE JUMP x10 (alternative provided) SINGLE LEG BRIDGE x20 GLUTE BRIDGE JUMP x10 Finishers!! 30/30….ABDUCTION COMBINATION! UPRIGHT ABDUCTION ON ELBOWS ABDUCTION FLAT ABDUCTION UPRIGHT ABDUCTION ON ELBOWS ABDUCTION FLAT ABDUCTION 20/20.. ABDUCTION BURNOUT! PULSES! HOLD! PULSES! HOLD! FULL RANGE! Oh yes! What a session!! Control and range of motion is the key! Make the most out of every rep!!! The slower the better!!



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