4 Tips on Treating Wrinkles
Wrinkles can reveal what mood you’re usually in how you rest your face authenticity and sincerity How to fend off the folds The lines that will eventually etch your face will depend on several factors including genes and lifestyle. We can’t change our genes or the effects of gravity over time, but we can do our best to thwart skin damage that could lead to earlier or more prominent wrinkles. 4 rules to warding off wrinkles protect and repair make healthy lifestyle choices choose products by skin condition adjust crease-causing habits 1. Protect and repair That bright sun in the sky every day is one of the leading havoc-wreakers of skin damage, but we can’t spend our lives living under a rock. Arm yourself with sunscreen of at least SPF 35 or higher , make hats a part of your everyday clothing and sporting gear, and don sunglasses that protect against UV rays. Keep in mind that incidental sun exposure counts too and adds up. So be mindful of s...