Refreshing Workout by DailyHIIT

Refreshing Workout & First Date Ab Workout

Hi BodyRockers,
When life pushes us up against the wall or puts an obstacle in our path BodyRockers don’t quit. We don’t focus our thoughts on how unfair everything is – we choose to use our thoughts instead to find the opportunity in what is happening around us.
Most of the time the greatest victories and successes in life come after you overcome something difficult – just like after our workouts, we emerge stronger, wiser and more powerful than before. Ready to face life straight on and strive towards our dreams. BodyRockers never give up – it’s part of the code – and all it takes is putting in your max effort – in life and in your workouts because in the end it’s all the same game.

Todays Workout:


Workout Break Down:

Set your interval timer to 12 minutes. 50 Seconds Work / 10 Second Rest minute rest in between rounds.
1. Push Up With Jump Out Legs
2. Closed Grip Tricep Pushup
3. Push Up Burpee Tuck Jump
4. Bike Abs Left, Right Reverse Crunch Split Touch
Bonus Abs Workout Breakdown:
Set your interval timer to 12 minutes. 50 Seconds Work / 10 Second Rest minute rest in between rounds.
1. Hanging Knee Raises
2. Tuck Abs
3. Touch Downs
4. Spider Press Ups


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