BodyRock Boot Camp – Day #21 – Full Body

BodyRock Boot Camp – Day #21 – Full Body

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Hi Bodyrockers,
The Final Day of the BootCamp 21 Day Challenge is here !! & as always it makes me a little sad.
Firstly, I wanted to welcome all of the New BodyRockers to the page – Hello & Thanks for stopping by again & For those season hardcore BodyRockers reading this right now all over the world I wanted to send you a little shout out too. Never Forget you are inspirational !.
You may think that your post’s go unread but they don’t, you may think that what you have to say none will be interested ? .. but they are !! There are so many people looking for the smallest of answers, remember when you had to ask how long it took to hard boil an egg ? well somewhere, someone is reading your posts and no matter how big or small the post, they are connecting with you and you are single handily changing their outlook, perspective, drive & ambition for the better !! … so please, never stop being you, and keep the positive energy and spirit that is the essence of BodyRock (you) alive.
You never cease to amaze us with the energy you bring & it keeps us pushing to make every workout bigger, better & more inventive to make sure that we are keeping up our end of the bargain.
keeping you on securely on the wagon is out main objective & making it as fun and enjoyable, while still achieving the goal is the daily target. The joining together to keep each other focused make this community what it is today, and you guys are just one of the reasons that its the largest FREE workout program in the world – and growing with every click !! We are blown away at your scores, pictures and dedication to make your lives healthier, happier & continue to make changes that inspire others.
So what’s the final day mean to you ??
This is where you see just how far you have come in such a small period of time,
We are completing Day #21 all together Me, You & Sean.
Are You Ready ?  
Todays Motivation:
This is a journey – a way of life, and fitness is not something you suddenly achieve and then it’s over. We are asking you to train to be the best version of you that is possible. We don’t want you to look like anyone else or to aspire to have a photoshopped Models body. We are happy to have you BodyRocking with us – whatever shape or size you are right now. If we each aspire to be the best versions of ourselves possible that brings with it a joy and confidence in who and what we are. Let’s beat our personal bests, stretch beyond what we thought was possible and feel damn good and proud that we are doing it together in the skin that we are in. Take inspiration from images in the media that you feel embolden your drive to train harder. Admire those that have trained hard – but when we imagine our dream bodies lets start by loving what are in this moment. Move forward from a foundation of self-acceptance and you will enjoy this fitness journey and each rep will be an affirmation of self-love. Exercising is moving your body. BodyRocking is loving your Body heart, mind and soul
Enjoy your workout
YouTube BootCamp Playlist - Here
Exercise Tutorials Videos – Here
Workout Breakdown:
Set Your Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 8.22.17 PM  to 10 seconds rest & 40 seconds work as below. Advanced – Go Hard, Heavy & Go Twice Through if you can.
Let’s go HARD & get this Workout Smashed !
You can use your  Sandbagor Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 8.18.34 PMor  LE_Affiliate_Pic550r powerblockthumb (click images to view)
If you haven’t had time to get your equipment yet, or it’s on it’s way – There are Free Home Equipment Ideas – Here
If you are training in your Gym or on your own – Complete as many rep’s of the following exercise’s before the 40 seconds is up: Post your scores below to remind yourself how far you have come when you HIIT this again.
Todays Workout:
Remember - You will skip (or copy the cardio exercise I do, or pick your own) for the first 40 seconds while I take the first exercise.
Don’t worry – I will do variations of each exercise while you watch. So, while you complete the cardio sections i.e skipping – just watch me & then pick the level of that exercise that suits you. (or mix the exercise up for something else if you can’t do that particular exercise for some reason – you have to think of your feet sometimes)
Enjoy your workout today – go hard – make every second count ! – Try to do the Burpees !!
Workout Breakdown:

1. Elevated 1 Leg Push Ups – L&R Alternate – using the equalizer 
2. Round the World & Clean & Press & Squat & Press – using the Tbar Weights orSandbag 
3. Plank Cross Knees to Elbow
4. Side Oblique Top Leg Lift & Elbow Knee Tuck – Left Side  - using the equalizer 
5. Side Oblique Top Leg Lift & Elbow Knee Tuck – Right Side  - using the equalizer 
6. Scissor C Sit Abs – L&R Alternate
7. Stand Up & Tuck Jump & Switch Lunge Toe Touch – L&R Alternate
8. Equalizer Oblique Knee Lifts – L&R Alternate - using the equalizer 
9. Plank High, Low Push Up & 10 Mountain Climbers


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