Zucchini Noodles w/ Peas and Pesto by Zenbelly

zoodles with peas and pesto

Pesto, pre-blended
Pesto, pre-blended
green garlic. It must be Spring
green garlic. It must be Spring
This recipe makes more pesto than you'll need; keep it in the fridge and add it to eggs, roasted vegetables, or just about any meat.
This recipe makes more pesto than you’ll need; keep the extra in the fridge and add it to eggs, roasted vegetables, or just about any meat.
all of the ingredients
all of the ingredients

Zoodles with Peas & Pesto

serves 2 as a main dish or 4 as a side.
3 large zucchini
1/2 cup fresh peas (about 1/2 pound before they’re shelled)
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 cup fresh basil. mint and green garlic pesto:
1 big bunch basil (2 cups leaves, packed)
3/4 cup walnuts
1/2 cup good extra virgin olive oil
3 sprigs mint
2-4 tablespoons lemon juice, depending on how lemony you like it
thumb sized piece green garlic, sliced (1 clove garlic if you can’t get green garlic)
1 teaspoon salt
  • Start by making your zoodles: Either with a spiral slicer or julienne peeler, make long spaghetti like noodles out of your zucchini. Place in a colander in the sink and sprinkle with 2 teaspoons salt. Mix well.
  • Shell your peas and place in an bowl. Set aside.
  • In a blender, add the remaining ingredients; basil, mint, walnuts, lemon juice, green garlic, 1 teaspoon salt and olive oil. Kick the blender on high. You’ll have to stop the blender a few times and mix the contents if you don’t have a Vita-Mix or equivalent blender. I don’t, and my cheap-0 Oster blender does just fine. (cough*MyBirthdayIsJuly1st*cough)
  • Your zucchini noodles should have shrunken in size significantly by now, which means the salt has pulled out some of their liquid.
  • Set a medium pot of water over high heat and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add the zoodles and peas and blanch for one minute. Drain them well. You can use the same colander, but give it a rinse while the zoodles and peas are boiling, so it doesn’t make the dish too salty.
  • Let cool for a couple of minutes before placing 1/4 cup of the pesto, zoodles and peas in a mixing bowl. Stir to combine. Add more pesto to taste, if desire


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