7 Tips To Hone Your Intuition

7 Tips To Hone Your Intuition
The intuitive language is an internal one that defies cognitive reasoning. It's also silent, sudden and self-confident. Your instincts just know. When you ignore them, however, they can become increasingly louder. They're like toes being stepped on. They don't like it and they make you scream out in agony. Still, we tend to promote self-doubt and push them away; trust isn't immediate.
Intuition may be felt as a whisper or like a bolt of lightning, but we all have the capacity to hear it.  Sometimes following a hunch can save your life. One student I know paid attention to her hunch about her car and found out she had brake problems; her instinct prevented an accident. Another student told me it helped him earn a fortune by selling his stocks at the right time. When we listen to our inner GPS on our yoga mat, we cultivate healthy self-respect and choose a safe and opening practice.
Whether you call it a "hunch," a "gut" feeling or any other term, our intuition speaks to us and gives us insight and wisdom for making any number of decisions. When you can hear this inner voice and respond to it, you'll lead a more authentic life.
Learning to listen to our intuition is an art and a skill, and you can practice it until you get it right. Here are seven tips to hone these important intuitive skills:
1. Set aside time for silent sitting; it cultivates a space for listening.

2. Get comfortable with solitude; it helps you rely on your self.

3. Listen to your body more; learn to decode its sensations and signals.

4. Be honest; build integrity and authenticity in your word and deed.

5. Test your instincts out on simple things; try it next time your phone rings.

6. When you're right, say to yourself, "Thank you for listening." It builds trust and confidence.

7. Know yourself; quiet the inner critic and trust in your own voice and advice.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com


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