Lemon Juice and Detoxification

How Does Lemon Juice Assist Detoxification?


Fresh Organic Lemons
Lemon juice is an important component of a number of body cleansing regiments including the master cleanse and Global Healing Center’s own liver cleansing protocol. Why? Lemon juice contains citric acid, which aids in both the production of digestive juices and the process of digestion. Lemon juice detox adds a dynamic element to colon cleansing. It can aid the bowels in daily elimination of toxins, and it can help with gas and bloating. Lemons are known as an “anionic food”, which means they contain a higher number of negative ions than positive ions. Anionic foods mirror anionic fluids such as stomach acid, saliva, and bile. As such, the work of lemons both parallels and enhances the work of digestive fluids.
What is the BEST Liver Cleansing Program?
It also helps with the daily elimination of toxins from the bowels, assists with gas and bloating, and contributes certain antiseptic qualities which help the digestive tract. Lemon juice can help boost the nutrient levels in your colon.

Lemon Juice and Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing

Lemon juice detox is an excellent adjunct to liver cleansing. The natural antiseptic qualities of lemon help reduce harmful bacteria. Juice from ½ organic, all-natural lemon can be mixed with purified water to help with liver cleansing, as well as respiratory problems, sore throats, and healthy skin. It helps the liver produce the necessary enzymes to maintain and alkaline condition in the body, and it has even been known to help with heartburn.
When mixed with organic lemon juice and olive oil, avocados can help the body rid itself of gallstones and has shown to help arthritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes and kidney stones.

Lemon Juice and Kidney Stones

Organic lemon juice has also been shown to help with kidney stones. One favorite natural remedy for kidney stones involves mixtures of a lemon juice, olive oil, and water, and another mixture of water, organic raw apple cider vinegar, and ½ an organic lemon.

Lemon Juice and the Flu

The antiseptic qualities of lemon juice make it ideal for helping with the flu. It helps purify the lymphatic system so your body is better able to fight off the disease. Adding black pepper and fresh ginger to lemon juice will also help alleviate excessive mucous.

Lemon Juice Alone Is Not Total Body Cleansing

Please keep in mind that while organic lemon juice can and does play a significant role in body cleansing regimens, it is not to be exclusively relied upon for detoxification. Rather, if you’re interested in cleansing your body, I recommend following one of our complete cleansing protocols. Each of these programs contains full nutritional and supplemental guidelines that incorporate the key components of lemon juice detox in the best way possible to help cleanse the colon, liver, and gallbladder.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM


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