How to Eat For Your Kidneys

How To Eat For Your Kidneys

The ORGANic series will focus on eating for your organs. Each installment will discuss a different organ, signs that it’s out of whack, and how to help remedy the symptoms with food and lifestyle choices. Every organ in the body plays a role in your overall health, and it’s important to learn how to pick up on the subtle (or obvious) signs that it’s time to take action. Today we'll examine how to eat for the kidneys.

What the kidneys do: 
  • Sift through about 200 quarts of blood to get rid of waste and toxins pumping through your body
  • Release REALLY important hormones that regulate bone and blood functions
  • Help control blood pressure
  • Regulate several minerals, such as potassium, sodium, and calcium
  • Help keep your blood alkaline 
How I know it’s time show my kidneys some love

I’ve had a crazy work week and wake up more tired than when I went to bed. I’ve been stressed and in a fearful place about something which forces my adrenals (those little hormone pumps that sit atop of the kidneys) to shift into overdrive. Maybe I had an extra cup of coffee (or three)... I’ve been using that concealer strictly for those dark, dark circles, and blame my lifeless hair on that new silly, overpriced shampoo.  

The craving: Salt

Make the switch:  

1. Give yourself a hug, breathe, and say this mantra 100 times throughout your day: Only beautiful, loving things occur around me and within me. 

2. Drink warm water every morning with a dash of your favorite flower essence (I love Bach’s Rescue Remedy). Inhale the steam as you’re pouring it into your cup and say your mantra! 

3. Put on a nice song and listen to it while you get ready. I’m loving "Ram Ram" by The Deer Tracks. It’s calming and helps make my day much more beautiful. 

4. Use Himalayan Salt instead of table salt (be sure you're getting your iodide elsewhere!). 

5. If you’re like me when you’re stressed, you’ve probably been snacking on kidney-killing foods like french fries and potato chips. Since your kidneys are freaking out, you’ll need to incorporate more magnesium-rich, hydrating foods. Eat more of the following to give your kidneys a BIG ol’ bear hug. 
  • Raw almond butter and celery sticks. Make your own nut butter too! It’s fun and easy. Check out the recipe at the bottom.
  • Black bean hummus with crudite 
  • Dark, leafy greens like kale 
  • Spirulina (sssmmmmoothies!)
  • Brown Rice (with your favorite streamed veggie — I love sweet potatoes)
  • Bananas (maybe on some sprouted toasted with your raw nut butter!)
  • Avocado (sprinkle your new Himalayan Salt on it for a delish afternoon snack)
6. Get your magnesium to give your kidneys a much needed vacation. CALM is our favorite supplement for this! 

Raw Almond Butter Recipe


4 cups of raw, organic almonds, and some patience. 

Make sure your almonds are dry. Sometimes I like to sprout my almonds before making the nut butter, but that requires that I put them in the dehydrator overnight. Usually I’ll just stick with this easier version. 


Place the almonds in the food processor with the S blade. Process for about 6-8 minutes. 

It will go from a flour-like consistency to a pastier version and may stick to the sides. Stop the blade and scrape the butter back into the bowl. This is also a good time to add any flavorings or superfoods. Get creative! Some of my favorite combos are vanilla/Himalayan Salt, spirulina/honey, cinnamon/raisins (you can fold raisins into mixture after it’s done processing), and I LOVE adding raw cacao and maca root (add a tablespoon of honey or agave to sweeten it up a bit)! 

Turn the processor back on and let it sit blending for about 8-12 minutes depending on your creamy versus crunch preference. Voila! Homemade nut butter! This makes about one mason jar of almond butter. 
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