DIY Lipgloss-Very Easy


Homemade Kiss Gloss

This homemade lipgloss is my favorite recipe because it uses inexpensive "ingredients" that are easy to find. Each little batch turns out a slightly sweet, candy-flavored lipgloss (you can sniff it, but it's not for eating!) that feels splendid on the lips and makes every kiss taste delish!


1 teaspoon paraffin wax
4 teaspoons coconut oil
4 teaspoons petroleum jelly
4 white or pink (or whatever color you like) candy melts
1/2 teaspoon oil-based candy flavoring


Grate the wax into a ziploc freezer bag. Add the coconut oil, petroleum jelly, candy melts and the flavoring. Place the bag in a bowl of very hot water and allow the ingredients to melt together. Massage the bag a bit to mix the ingredients together. Snip a corner from the bag and squeeze the ingredients into small containers (we used sterilized bead holders purchased from JoAnn). Pop your lip gloss containers into the fridge to cool completely. Gift and enjoy!


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