Tiffany's Detox-2,3 or 5 days

I have been asked .I have a a great detox diet you can do for 2,3,5 days.I even have a great 2day from Dr Oz that isnt bad either.Mine is a little more hard.AND you need to do some form of exercise everyday that uses everybody part or different ones different days.Which Skinny Ms Fitness is the best site I can lead you since I am not physically there to help you.And you can browse to find the right workout.You dont even need weights.I have done all of hers and she has pretty good ones.I would love you to start her first and go through them all if you can.Question my cleanse or Dr Oz let me know.I will give you a list of veggies from 2 groups and one group you do one day and the next the next day and so one or mix them up.I will give you my recipe for my detox soup.YOu can eat as much as you need for lunch or snack.And snack options and a lean protein and veggie meal.Also supplementation.Now if you have medical problems please seek a doctor for a okay to do this.Who wants?


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