Now grab some dumbbells or water bottles, a swiss ball and a band if you have one and let’s #stopdropandbettyrock our life together today! 

Sculpt and Strength Supersets

Perform each superset for 3 rounds for the prescribed amount of reps and time. Rest as needed.
A1: Reverse Lunges with Alternating Bicep Curl (10 each side)
  • Start with your feet hip-width apart, core engaged
  • Step your right foot back behind you, begin bending your back knee until your back knee nearly touches the ground in a 90 degree angle (as you descend, perform a right arm bicep curl)
  • As you stand up, power through your front heel and come to standing
  • Repeat with left leg
  • Ensure your knee is not shooting out over your toe and maintain an upright chest
A2: Jumping Jacks (0:45)
  • Start standing with feet together and arms by your sides
  • Simultaneously jump your feet out wide as you bring your arms out and above your head
  • Jump your feet back together and bring arms back down to your sides, returning to your starting position.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while bringing your arms over head.
A3: Reverse Fly (8-10)
  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and dumbbells in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
B1: Sumo Squats with optional weights and resistance band (8-12)
  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart, core engaged (Optional: resistance band placed at mid thigh, holding weights on your shoulder)
  • Shoot your booty back behind you, keeping your chest up (don’t bend forward) and weight back in your heels.
  • Drive through your heels and power through your posterior chain to come back to a standing position
  • MOD: Sitting down to an object (chair, ottoman, bench, etc)
B2: Ball Crunch (10)
  • Lie on a Swiss Ball with your lower back curvature pressed against the spherical surface of the ball in full extension. Your feet should be bent at the knee and pressed firmly against the floor. Arms resting on the back of your head.
  • Flex the waist by contracting the abdominals bringing your chest forward into a crunch to feel the contraction on your abdominals.
  • Let your body roll back out into full extension to be back into the starting position.
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball
B3: Burpees (10) 
  • Start in a standing position with your feet wider than hip distance apart.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
  • Keep your core tight and do a push-up (optional) – jump or step your feet back to the outside of your hands, loading your weight in your heels and use your momentum to power up into a jump.
  • MOD: Take the jump out and/or the push up if needed.


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