This workout will deliver in less than 20 minutes, so grab your water bottle or a couple of light weights for resistance, and get ready to #stopdropandbettyrock with me!

Full Body HIIT

Format: Perform 3 rounds for the prescribed amount of time. Rest as needed.
Move 1: Slow Burpee Cross Cross (0:30)
  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart, core engaged, standing nice and tall.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and step your feet back into a tall plank position.
  • Step your feet back up, as you come back to standing position drive your right knee across your body to your left elbow and then repeat on the opposite side.
Move 2: Sumo Split Squat Jump (0:30) 
  • Begin with your feet positioned wider than hip distance in a sumo stance. Jump up, as you are in the air you will go right into a split squat jump.
  • Make sure your front knee is in line with your front foot, and when you bend it stays at a 90-degree angle and the knee doesn’t end up beyond the toe.
  • Your back heel is lifted and is in line with your back knee.
  • Jump yourself up and switch positions, landing softly and with good form. You can get your arms involved for balance and speed.
  • Repeat by moving right back into a sumo squat jump.
  • Mod: If jumping isn’t a good idea for your knees but you are okay with squats and lunges, perform a regular sumo squat then move right into a  reverse lunge and alternate sides to target all the same muscles. Remember to hold onto a wall or railing for balance, as unilateral movements recruit your proprioceptive balancing muscles as well.
Move 3: Chair Sit Kickback to a Standing Curl (0:30)
  • Starting with your feet together come down to a chair sit position.
  • Hold your elbows in close to your sides with weights and kicking your arms back to a tricep extension, keeping the arms parallel.
  • As you bring your arms forward come to a standing position and raise the weights, bringing the palms to face your shoulders as you lift.
Move 4: Roll-Ups to Leg Lifts (0:30)
  • Lie down on your back and extend your arms above your head and your legs out long.
  • Roll your body up, reaching for your toes, then roll your body back down with control.
  • As you come back down flat to your mat, bring your legs straight up and lift your hips off of the ground.
Move 5: Mountain Climbers (0:30)
  • Begin in a tall plank position, hands stacked just below your shoulders.
  • Run your knees into your chest, alternating legs. Keep your core engaged.
  • Mod: Take the running out by slowly alternating your knees to your chest, or do them on an elevated surface.
Move 6: Superwoman Lifts (0:30)
  • Position yourself on your stomach on the mat.
  • Extend your arms and legs.
  • Lift your arms and legs off of the mat simultaneously.
  • Pro tip! The wider your legs are, the easier the move will be. As you get stronger, bring your feet in closer together.
Move 7: Crescent Kicks (0:30)
  • Get ready to jump around and have some fun with this great fighter move that works your hips, glutes and lower abdominals!
  • Come into a fighter stance with your left foot slightly in front of your right, and get light on your feet. Go ahead and bounce around a few times, bringing your hands up by your face.
  • Your kick will come from your back leg, and you’ll want to imagine you’re going to draw a crescent with the foot during the kick. So it arcs up (as high as you’re comfortable with) and across in front of your body. Land back in your stance and bounce a couple times to reset and do it again. Do half of your time on one leg, then switch.


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