Legs + Conditioning HIIT Workout
Hello 12'ers!
I have a great workout today. My sandbag busted so I will be doing clean and presses with dumbbells. I hope you do this with me. These are great short and effective workouts. If you want it longer than do it for 24 minutes. If you need to know how to do the exercise than click on the worded exercise and it will lead you to the video! Okay it is time to workout!
Workout equipment:
Workout type: 12 minute
Timer setting: 18 x :10 x :30
1. Kettlebell swings
2. Sandbag clean & presses
3. High knees
4. Sandbag clean & presses
5. Tuck jumps
6. Medicine ball twists
2. Sandbag clean & presses
3. High knees
4. Sandbag clean & presses
5. Tuck jumps
6. Medicine ball twists
Bonus: 50 Medicine jackknives
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