Sweet Potato Breakfast Salad

Sweet Potato breakfast salad
1. 3 strips of bacon, cut into strips
2. 1 egg
3. 1 small sweet potato, cooked, insides only
4. 2 1/2 cups arugula
5. 1 tbs balsamic vinegar
6. 1tbs olive oil
7. Salt and pepper, to taste
Fry up the bacon on the stove top until crispy. Set on a paper towel on a plate to drain.
Fill a sauce pan with water until its a little over 1/2 way filled. Boil the water, reduce to a simmer, then whisk the water until it reaches a vortex. Then drop in your egg and wait 2 minutes until it’s poached, then remove with a slotted spoon. (Or poach eggs however you feel most comfortable)
While the egg is poaching, grab a plate and arrange the arugula, sweet potato (just sort of scatter the pieces around) and bacon. Then, dress with the oil and vinegar.
Add the poached egg and sprinkle with salt and pepper.


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