BCX BOOTCAMP-Monday:Lower Body Mission

MONDAY: Lower Body Mission

#1 Warm up: Watch Video
25 Butt-Kix (jog in place where your heels hit your butt)
25 Jax
(repeat 2x)25 Squats
25 2-Step Heismans
(repeat 2x)Jump Rope (2 minutes)
#2 The Bomb: Watch Video
Tools: Jump Rope
Mission: Do 3 rounds for time
20 Alternating Forward Lunges
20 Squats
10 Burpees
1-Minute Jump Rope
20 Alternating Step Back Lung
20 Jax
10 Burpees
1-Minute Wall-Sits (sit against the wall with legs at a 90 degree angle)
Record your time at the end of the third round!
#3 Welcome Package: Watch VideoMission: 4 rounds for time
Tools: floor mat
20 Butt-Kix
20 Ski Squats (Plyometric quat with feet close together, like the squat position when snow skiing)
20 Heisman
20 Jax
20 Bicycle Crunches
Record your time at the end of the third round!
#4 SSS (SkaterSquatShuffle): Watch Video
Mission: 3 sets  for time
20 Skaters (lunge from side to side, touching opposite hand to the lunging foot)
20 Butt-Kix
20 Squat Front-Kix (squat with alternating kicks)
20 Butt-Kix
20 Shuffle (quick switch)
20 Butt Kix
Record your time at the end of the third round!
#5 Plank & Simple: Watch VideoTools: floor mat
Mission: 3 Rounds (not for time)
Hold all positions 30 seconds:
Plank (push up position)
Left Side plank (on hand-modify to elbow if needed)
Right Side plank


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