BodyRock HiitMax I Workout 46 – 50 Torch Fat Workout


HIITMAX Workout 50 :
Set your Interval Timers to 50 seconds on and a 10 second rest if you are completing this without the video.
Workout #46 – 
Workout Breakdown:
12 Rounds Total.
You have a choice of either a cardio or a strength component this week.
Cardio: Switch Burpee & Double Tap Feet
Strength: Clean & Press & Squat & Press
 ( You will complete one round of either of the above options & wait for my first round to complete before completing the following below )
1. Burpee & Front Kick ( L&R Alternate )
2. Push-up, Knee Touch & Front Kick ( L&R Alternate )
3. Side Kick & 2 x Knee Abs – Left Leg
4. Side Kick & 2 x Knee Abs – Right Leg
5. C Sit & Clap Knee Abs
6. Roll Spider, Push-up & Burpee Tuck
Mondays Bonus Burnout Workout is ABS – Head To The HIITMAX PLUS – Here

.Workout #47 – 
Workout Breakdown:
12 Rounds Total.
You have a choice of either a cardio or a strength component this week.
Cardio: Switch Lunge & knee ( L&R Alternate )
Strength: Squat & Front Raise
 ( You will complete one round of either of the above options & wait for my first round to complete before completing the following below )
1. Knee Tbar Obliques ( L&R Alternate )
2. Deadlift & Knee Kick – Left Leg
3. Deadlift & Knee Kick – Right Leg
4. Elevated Toe Touch, Elbow Touch, Hand Knee Touch ( L&R Alternate )
5. 1 Arm Plank Tricep Dips – Left
6. 1 Arm Plank Tricep Dips – Right
Workout #48 – HARDCore Day
Workout Breakdown:
12 Rounds Total.
You have a choice of either a cardio or a strength component this week.
Cardio: 1,2,3 Shuttle Run Knee Taps
Strength: Swings
 ( You will complete one round of either of the above options & wait for my first round to complete before completing the following below )
1. Chest To Ceiling Abs
2. Tuck Over Abs ( L&R Alternate )
3. Plank Twist & Out – Left Side
4. Plank Twist & Out – Right Side
5. Rolling V & Toe Touch ( L&R Alternate )
6. Straight Leg Switch Bike Abs ( L&R Alternate )
Workout #49 – Total Weighted Workout
Workout Breakdown:
14 Rounds Total.
We Workout REALTIME old School BodyRocking Style Training Today.
Set your Interval Timers to 40 seconds on and a 10 second rest if you are completing this without the video.
 ( You will complete one round of the below *stared* option & wait for my first round to see your next move – I will finish on your starting exercise )
** Tuck Abs **
1.  Clean & Press
2.  Weighted Step Ups
3.  Elevated Push-ups
4.  Incline Chest Press
5.  Reverse Pull Ups
6.  Incline Flys
7.  Incline Curls
8.  Tricep Dips
9.  Lateral Raises
10. Shoulder Press
11.  Rolling Plank
12. Side Plank & Roll – Left Side
13. Side Plank & Roll – Right Side
14. ** Tuck Abs For Me **
Workout #50 – 
Workout Breakdown:
12 Rounds Total.
You have a choice of either a cardio or a strength component this week.
Cardio: Skipping
Strength: Step Ups
 ( You will complete one round of either of the above options & wait for my first round to complete before completing the following below )
1. Single Arm Clean & Press ( L&R Alternate )
2. Touch Centre Jumps
3. Bend Over Flys & Rows
4. Switch Kicks ( L&R Alternate )
5. Squat & Press
6.Super Girl Push-ups & Knee Touch ( L&R Alternate )



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