The Best Exfoliaters for Your Skin

Hello Beauties!
I found this and I have been using acids for many many years.  My skin is amazing because using certain acids for anti-aging, breakouts and pigmentation. What I am using now 5 times a week at night is Neostrata glycolic treatment and Lapothicell ceramides together. My off nights is Retin-A(my holy grail). But I have used and  still try other glycolic or lactic acids to experiment to see if they are better than what I am using. I have been through a few skincare brands that worked well. Dr BrandtOlayInstaNatural.And many more throughout my years.
So follow some great steps to add to your skincare..Trust me you will thank me on this one.
~Tiffany ♥

Different types of acid for different skin type


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