How to Master the Dreaded Pistol Squat-Practice,Practice!!
How to Master the Dreaded Pistol Squat Pin This! Posted by Sia Cooper One of the biggest complaints I have gotten from my clients when I choose to make a pistol squat a part of their fitness regimine, is “But I cannot do a pistol squat!” Fair enough. Pistol squats are one of the most difficult squats to perform because not only are you adding in the factor of balancing your entire body from falling, you are also using your entire (insert your body weight here) pounds of bodyweight. Photo : Tumblr What is a pistol squat? A pistol squat is basically a one-legged variation of your normal squat exercise that involves balancing your body weight onto one leg as you squat downward. (pistol not included) Some people enjoy this difficult feat by taking a step further, like this gal. Holy shit! Do not try this at home.. or gym! Photo: Tumblr Why do a pistol squat? Improve strength and flexibility. Eradicates imbalances between the two s...