Orange Chia Cake by missk_j6

1 1/4c almond meal
1c vanilla protein powder
2 medium oranges ( do not peel them)
2 eggs
3T black chia seeds + 6 tbsp water
1T melted coconut butter
1T apple cider vinegar
1/3 c RAW honey
1T baking bowder
Preheat oven to 400 F. Line a springform pan with baking paper and oil it. In a large pot boil the oranges for 15 minutes. Then let them cool. Cut the oranges into quarters and blend them till smooth. At the same time place the chia seeds in the water in a small bowl. Add in all the remaining ingredients to the blender (make sure the liquids are in the bottom of the blender).Blend till smooth. Bake for 40-50 minutes ( depends on your oven,check it with a toothpick) Than cool it on a wire rack.
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