DIY Coconut Milk Hair Products
Homemade Coconut Milk Shampoo
At first I considered the “No ‘Poo” method which MANY people swear by…but it just didn’t seem like it was for me. So my search continued.
Eventually I found two very similar recipes I liked from Crunchy Better and Wellness Mama.
Both contain what I consider to be the “magic ingredient”….coconut milk! While I didn’t MAKE my own coconut milk (I think I will try it next time I make this shampoo), Crunchy Betty has a good tutorial on how to do so.

So here is my version of
Homemade Coconut Milk Shampoo:
1/4 cup coconut milk (Like I said, you can either make your own, or use store-bought)
1/3 cup liquid castile soap (like Dr. Bronner’s)
1 tsp vitamin E, olive or almond oil
10 to 20 drops your choice of essential oils (I used lavender. Next time I think I’ll do something citrusy just for fun. :-)

Combine all ingredients in a shampoo bottle or jar and shake well to mix. (I bought the squeeze bottles above at the dollar store.)
You can keep it in the shower for up to one month…just shake before use.
Use about a teaspoon every time you shampoo. (I used a little more, but my hair is pretty long right now!)
I loved pretty much everything about this shampoo. It smelled good…it lathered up nicely (which I feel strongly about)…and after washing, rinsing and drying…my hair felt soft and smooth. No fly-aways.
And for those of you looking for something more DEEP CONDITIONING for your hair….here are a couple of recipes I found at Petit Elefant I haven’t tried them yet….but plan to.
DIY home made hair mask
1 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoons olive oil
Two ingredients. That’s it! Spoon 1 tablespoon of honey into a small bowl and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Pop the hair mask into the microwave for about 30 seconds, and then mix it up as well as you can.
Get hair wet, but not dripping, pour the hair mask a little bit at a time onto the ends of your hair, working your way up to the scalp. As soon as you’ve used all the mask and your hair is thoroughly coated, wrap it in a damp warm towel or a shower cap and leave in for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo your hair like usual.
natural deep hair conditioner
one avocado
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons heavy cream
Mix all that up, comb it through your hair and cover with a shower cap for about 20 minutes while it penetrates deep into your hair follicles. Rinse the conditioner out with tepid water. Shampoo, rinse, and you’re all set.
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