Step 1 Elimination Diet

Elimination diet – Step 1. 

Advice before you start

Before you dive into this diet, it’s important to be aware of some details that will help you succeed:

  • Start writing a food journal to record all you eat, most importantly any changes to your diet and eventual consequences and symptoms.
  • Follow the programme, as this is a fully balanced diet to assist your body in cleansing itself.
  • Never over-eat. Opt for smaller meals during the day, instead of 2 large meals.
  • Don’t drink any fluids at meal time, as this only slows digestion by diluting the enzymes needed to properly break food down. Only drink about 30 minutes before or 60 minutes following a meal.
  • You can take any vitamin and mineral supplements
  • The first five days may cause headache, fatigue or irritability.


Step 1 - Planning

This may be the most important phase in the diet and requires assistance from your healthcare provider. Before you start, your doctor may need a detailed diary of your food consumption and any symptoms associated. This will help to decide what are the best foods to eliminate, as they may be causing you pain and discomfort. Further questions your doctor may ask include what foods do you normally eat, whether you regularly experience any type of cravings, what comfort foods do you turn to when feeling down and perhaps the most difficult to answer, what foods would you struggle to give up. Unfortunately, these are usually the ones that you may need to eliminate.
Once you doctor is satisfied with your answers, then a personally developed diet plan to fit exactly your needs may be developed. You are then ready to initiate your new diet.


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