DIY Black Fig & Lemon Moisturizer Mask

DIY Black Fig & Lemon Moisturizer

Figs contain natural humectants—the perfect skin hydrator. Lemon is a great source of citric acid, which helps close the pores. This mask is easy to make at home and can be used daily to moisturize the face. You will need:

1 tbsp chopped black figs
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp sour cream

In a blender, combine the figs and sour cream and mix well. Add the lemond juice and blend again until creamy. Apply a thin layer of the mask over your face in the morning and evening after cleansing.

Please use at your own discretion. All recipes and tips have been compiled from personal experience or other sources when noted. Enjoy!

Recipe source: Return to Beauty
Image source: Google Images


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