Workout Foods

8 Perfect Fitness Foods

Don't let your hard work in the gym go to waste. The food you eat doesn't just give you energy - it fuels your muscles, helps you burn fat, and even boosts your cardiovascular health. Chow down on these 8 power foods before and after your workouts, and you'll see results in no time.

It's true: Spinach is muscle fuel. But not because it instantly turns you lean and sexy. Researchers from Rutgers University found that a compound in the leafy green increases protein synthesis by 120 percent, helping your muscle tissue to repair itself faster after you work out. The problem, however, is that you'd have to eat Popeye-sized quantities to experiences dramatic results (we're talking almost 2 pounds of the iron-packed veggies a day). The good news is that spinach isn't the only food that can help you to look and feel better than ever--even when you're not exercising.

The right fitness foods speed your results, and make you healthier, too. Ready to eat your way to a better body? These 8 great foods and drinks are guaranteed to make any type of exercise you do more effective - long after you've broken a sweat.


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