Welcome to Your Hormones

 Our emphasis is on restoring optimal hormone function through natural therapies, starting with lifestyle, diet, nutrients, phytotherapeutic hormone specific formulations, hormone precursors, and finally bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We observe that addressing the foundational therapies first allows patients to experience the full benefits of safe and effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
Power & Productivity
Your hormones influence the health of every cell in your body. Your mood, motivation, drive, intellectual capacity, lean body mass, visceral fat, blood sugar, libido, sexual function, social interactions are just a few functions that are affected by your hormones.
Your hormones give you the power to stand strong every day, with freedom from fatigue and with the endurance to make the changes you want to make in your world, and do the things you want to do. Your hormones support your passions – the things that give your life purpose and meaning, with passion for life, for relationships, for creativity and for actions. Your hormones enhance your productivity – the ability to merge your strength and passion with a clear mind and apply your gifts and skills with a higher level of function. When your hormones work properly, life is easier, more pleasant and more rewarding.
When there is hormone dysfunction, health is absent and the words of Herophilos ring loud in our ears:

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.

Herophilos, Greek physician, 335-280 BCYour Hormones provides the tools needed for restoring passion, power and productivity by addressing both hormone deficiency and hormone dysfunction. It is our unique approach to hormone dysfunction that transforms how hormone health is restored. Hormone dysfunction often exists even when a patient has “normal” hormone levels. Hormones are essentially chemical signals that are sent throughout the body so that every cell in the body can respond to the signal. The ability of a specific cell to respond to hormone messages is dependent upon the health of those cells. Only healthy cells allow the full effect of hormones to manifest.
our Menopause Type®
Since menopause is a natural transition that presents in a wide variety of symptoms (which is in large part due to the fact that there are actually twelve different Menopause Types®), it is very important to treat each woman according to her own Menopause Type®. Treatment choices must first include diet, lifestyle, nutrition and herbal support with specific hormone health formulations. Then, hormone precursors and natural hormones in the form of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could be considered.

Truly Personalized Healthcare
Let’s be honest: A one-size-fits-all herbal therapy is just as inadequate as a one-size-fits-all hormone therapy. Those of us involved in natural medicine have been quick to point out that indiscriminately giving every woman PremPro (a combination of equine estrogens and medroxyprogesterone) is not properly addressing the needs of each patient – it is one-size-fits-all. However, there are many herbal formulations that are basically “Herbal PremPro”; a one-size-fits-all mixture of herbs that really should not even be in the tablet or capsule. 

Phytotherapy for Sex Hormones
When Hormones Are Not Enough
Current perceptions of endocrine dysfunctions often place great weight on serum or salivary levels of sex hormones, such as testosterone, estrogens & progesterone, as the most accurate indication of sex hormone function. This becomes troubling when clinicians observe an increasing percentage of patients who have sex hormone levels in the “normal range”, but still have significant symptoms of hormone dysfunction. Increased understanding of insulin resistance has raised awareness that while measuring hormone levels is important, just as important is the physiological response to those hormones, or in many cases, the lack of physiological response. To the clinician managing menopause, andropause, PMS/PMDD and PCOS patients
Hormone dysfunction can interfere with hormone health even when there is not a real hormone deficiency. The ability of any hormone to act on specific cells is dependent on the health of those cells, including the health of hormone receptors on each cell. Poor function of hormone receptors can result in hormone resistance, and cause symptoms of low hormones, even if there is no real deficiency. The Hormone Specific Formulations can overcome hormone dysfunction by improving the function of cells that are supposed to respond to hormones. They may also assist the body in recovery from hormone deficiency by improving the function of hormone producing glands. Each formulation has specific actions; Adreno-Mend improves adrenal function; Thyro-Mend improves thyroid hormone function; Estro-Mend improves estrogen function; Progesto-Mend improves progesterone function; Testo-Gain improves testosterone function; and Testo-Quench balances excess testosterone function.

Hypothyroidism & Low Thyroid Function
There are seven specific actions involved in the production and activity of thyroid hormones. Each of these actions is required to maintain optimal thyroid hormone health. Learn more about how thyroid hormones work, and how specific adaptogens and other herbal therapies can restore normal thyroid function and preserve the long term health of your thyroid gland. Become familiar with the science behind hypothyroidism & low thyroid function and how to properly improve all seven actions with phytotherapeutic support of thyroid function

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has transformed the healthcare of women and men as they enter the second half of their lives. It provides an alternative to hormones that are synthetic or concentrated from animal urine. Patients taking BHRT prepared by compounding pharmacists can be given dosages tailored to their individual needs, instead of the narrow choices available with mass-produced hormone therapies. Patients have a notable improvement in quality of life. The body is better equipped to detoxify hormone molecules that it has been exposed to for its entire life, in contrast to xenohormones that are foreign to human detoxification systems. (Safe & Effective use of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy)

Adrenal Fatigue, Homeostasis,
and Adaptogens
Adrenal fatigue is best understood as a loss of homeostasis in which the body can no longer maintain normal body functions. Learn about twelve regulatory systems that become unstable with adrenal fatigue and, and how specific adaptogens can restore normal adrenal function without the use of stimulating herbs. True and lasting recovery from adrenal fatigue can be achieved through applying this advanced, innovative approach of understanding adrenal fatigue, homeostasis, & adaptogens

Adrenal, Thyroid & Sex Hormones
Work Together
While it is important to focus on the primary hormone imbalance (such as thyroid, or adrenal, or testosterone, progesterone or estrogen), it is equally important to also support the secondary hormones imbalances that may also exist. In fact, the more you... (hormones work together)


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