Skin Benefits of Sex

The Benefits of Sex for Your Skin An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Wrong, says Dr. Gloria G. Bramer, a Georgia-based licensed clinical sexologist. According to her, an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away (we're sure apples are fine too, but we prefer this prevention method)! "An orgasm is one of the healthiest things you can give yourself each day. From a sexologist's point of view it should be included in your routine along with brushing your teeth and washing your hair." Click ahead and find out how you can instantly improve your complexion by taking this advice to heart

Sex makes you glow.

It's true – sex gives your skin a heavenly glow. Bramer says that having sex improves blood circulation, which helps to pump oxygen to your skin and make it brighter. It also helps to eliminate toxins and can actually make your lips a little fuller.

It controls acne.

Just as with people who exercise, Bramer says, having sex reduces your hormone levels and balances them out. The result? Clearer-looking skin, along with healthier hair!

It wards off aging.

Getting busy could set your clock back a few years as far as your appearance is concerned. As you have sex, you are boosting collagen production, which staves off age spots and sagging.

It prevents dry skin.

Bramer says that many people tie sexiness to an age. "Women become less sexual as they get older and hit menopause because they have less hormones going through them," she says. Once you hit menopause, your skin quality diminishes and suddenly you may notice your face is extremely dry. By having sex and getting the blood and oxygen flowing, you can keep dry skin away regardless of your age.

It prevents wrinkles too!

Remember we said having sex boosts collagen production? That means it helps to keep you wrinkle-free in the process! Especially for those stressed-filled workweeks, we can't think of any facial mask that works as well as sex does for your skin.

Sex is the fountain of youth.

We already told you that having sex will make you look and feel younger, but there is proof that others will notice too! Dr. Yvonne Fulbright, author of The Better Sex Guide to Extraordinary Love Making, says that a study was done on sex and youth a few years back to prove this point. In a span of 10 years, 3,500 men and women, both those who had sex regularly and those who didn't, were put on one side of a two-way mirror, where participants on the other side had to guess their age. The group that had an active sex life had their age underestimated by seven to 12 years, while some thought the group that only had sex infrequently actually looked older!

Sex makes your nails stronger.

The same hormones that are released to make your skin glow will also keep your nails strong, especially during pregnancy, says Fulbright

Sex keeps you hydrated.

No, this doesn't mean you can replace your eight glasses of water with eight hours of sex, but having sex will keep your skin hydrated. Since it improves circulation, the blood will circulate around your body more efficiently, giving your skin the moisture it needs to stay health

It cleanses your pores.

No need for pore cleansers: Sex will do the trick, depending on how hot and heavy things are getting. By sweating during sex, you're actually giving your face a free facial. The sweat will clean from your pores the dirt, grime, and makeup residue you miss when you cleanse your face during the day.

When you're in a sex slump...

Going through a dry spell? No problem! Beauty companies understand that we can't get busy all time (we do have to do things like eat and go to work) so they've created products to help us fake the look. NARS Orgasm Blush is one of the company's most popular products because of the suspicious healthy glow it gives your skin. Top that off with any form of regular exercise and you can get this look too.


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