It Is All in Your Head

Flourishing: Why a Healthier Mind Means Healthier Cells

In my many years as a doctor, I have learned an important truth that is still not taught in medical school. The connection between your thoughts, your beliefs and your physical health is more likely to influence your health than anything else. That’s because your consciousness creates your cells.

Your body is designed not only to stay healthy, but also to thrive. I call this flourishing. Although you may not believe this, your birthright is health, not disease; it is joy, not suffering. And nothing is more exhilarating or empowering than when you embrace this truth. You have the ability to make profound changes in your life’s circumstances – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

It isn’t really accurate to say that your past will predict what your health will be like in the future, though it sometimes seems that way. Did you know that your cells replace themselves daily? In fact, you create a whole new body every 7 years. If your beliefs and circumstances are locked in the past, however, that consciousness keeps recreating the same old patterns via old subconscious nervous system programming. On the other hand, if you change the consciousness that creates your cells, then it is absolutely possible for your health to improve on all levels.

This is why flourishing always involves acknowledging and releasing the past. I always say, “You have to feel it to heal it.” And inevitably, this involves some pain. If you don’t heal and release your past, though, you will end up recreating unhealthy patterns in your body, relationships and other life circumstances.

You are actually in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health. Begin by exploring your past to find clues as to how it may be influencing your present conditions. This includes identifying your family history and bringing to light any unhealthy, subconsciously held beliefs that have been passed down in your family.

I want you to know that just because your mother was obese or had cardiovascular disease or cancer, for example, it doesn’t mean that you are destined to develop these health problems. Though most disease has a genetic component, fully 80% of how genes get expressed in your body depends on your thoughts and beliefs, as well as your lifestyle. If you believe disease is inevitable, there’s a good chance that it will be part of your experience. If, on the other hand, you realize how much power you have to remain healthy, then THAT will be your experience.

To move forward, it’s imperative that you have a powerful vision, one that is hopeful and exciting. This will draw you toward an exciting new future. Imagine your future self in as much detail as you possibly can. Go through your day, imagining what you will do, who you will see, and how you will feel. Although diet, exercise, supplementation, and other healthy habits will support your overall health and well-being, your thoughts and beliefs are the most important key to your health. Visualize yourself letting go of past limitations.

Take a moment to ask yourself: If I were in optimal health and truly flourishing, what would my life look like? Invite your future vision to accompany you on your journey. Then open your heart and soul to the possibility of healing your past and experiencing better health and more joy than you ever thought possible.


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