Fat Burner,Muscle Builder-workout

Fat Burning Muscle Building Workout

Get ready to burn some fat and build muscle.  You will need water, 2-4 sets of dumbbells of varying weights and an exercise ball or flat bench. With the exercises requiring dumbbells, be sure to increase your weight after each circuit.  Complete 3 circuits.
Watch the video demos before beginning your workout.
Look amazing for summer with  my TRANSFORM YOUR BODY PROGRAM!
Seal Jumps – 20 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Arnold Press – 12 reps
Rest 10 seconds
Foot to Foot Crunch – 24 reps (12 each side)
Rest 10 seconds
Spartan Bows 10 each side (hold to a chair with the opposite hand if needed)
Rest 10 seconds
Stiff Legged deadlifts – 12 reps (dumbbells or barbell will work)
Rest 10 secoonds
http://youtu.be/7qaDvP5b_Nk seal jacks
http://youtu.be/p0Rtakl0frk arnold presses
http://youtu.be/W-9L0J_9qag foot to foot crunch
http://youtu.be/wVyvF2B3CIo spartan bows
http://youtu.be/NzMDStjQadQ stiff legged deadlifts

by skinnymsfitness


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