Dont Avoid Fiber!!!!!!

Top 4 Excuses For Avoiding Fiber

A little roughage in your diet is a necessity when it comes to keeping your digestive system happy, but that's not all it's good for. Getting your fill of fiber reduces your risk of breast cancer, treats belly bloat to help flatten your belly, and helps you feel full and satisfied longer than other foods.

All these health benefits of fiber are staring you in the face, but you still aren't consuming the 25 to 30 grams you're supposed to, and you think you have good reason. Here are the top four excuses women give for not eating enough fiber, and how to overcome them.
Excuse Solution
"High-fiber foods give me gas." Apples, beans, broccoli, and oats are full of fiber, but they can definitely cause some digestive distress. If this sounds familiar, don't swear off these healthy foods forever. Gradually introduce them into your diet. Instead of chowing down a whole pear for a snack, cut up pieces and eat it with yogurt. Or mix beans with rice instead of downing a huge bowl of black bean soup.
"I'm watching my carbs, so I avoid fruit and bread." I definitely don't support a carb-free diet in order to lose weight. Healthy carbs like fruit, whole grains, and whole grain breads fill you up and offer sustained energy so you eat less and have the strength to exercise regularly, which helps with weight loss. But I understand that many women go carb-free. In that case, there's still no reason you can't obtain enough fiber from other foods. Be sure to include tons of veggies, seeds, and nuts in your diet. They're low in carbs and high in fiber.
Keep reading to see two more reasons people avoid eating fiber.
Excuse Solution
"I hate vegetables." Who wouldn't rather indulge in a bowl of ice cream than a bowl of salad? But veggies are essential if you want to eat a healthy, balanced diet. There must be some veggies you can tolerate, so be sure to eat those often. Try mixing veggies in with foods you do like, such as adding peppers and tomatoes to your pizza or pasta, or mixing broccoli into your mac and cheese. Fruits, whole grains, and nuts are also excellent sources of fiber, so include those in your daily diet and you'll be on your way to eating enough fiber.
"I get enough in my morning bowl of cereal." I hate to break it to you, but most types of cereal contain five grams or less of fiber. Even if you go for a high-fiber cereal such as Go Lean or Fiber One, a serving won't offer more than 15 grams. Adding half a cup of fruit will only add four extra grams. Don't rely on breakfast alone to help you reach your daily fiber quota. Make sure your lunch, snacks, and dinner include veggies, fruits, nuts, and whole grains.
Source: Thinkstock


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