Cleansing Your Face



5 Tips For Face Cleansing

Part of getting rid of acne involves keeping your face as free of dirt and oils as possible. A clean face is an important step for all skin but especially acne-prone skin. Here are five rules to follow when it comes to cleaning your face properly every day.

1.If you are cleaning your face every day, why is your skin still having problems? For one, you might not be aware of how to clean your face. There is more to it than just lathering on soap and rinsing it off. When done right, facial cleansing will work wonders for you.
 2. Use the correct tools to wash your face. They always tell you that tissues are taboo for wiping your face but that’s all they tell you. What you are trying to do is mix the cleansers with the skin so they can do their job. Using your hands only works with scrubs that contain those micro-beads because they do the work of mixing with the skin. For other cleaners, try mesh sponges or disposable cloths.

3. Resist the urge to wash too frequently. Your face needs to be washed, at most, twice a day. Some believe that more washing will remove more dirt and clear up skin problems (such as acne) faster but just the opposite is true. The act of washing can be hard on your skin even though you are only trying to clean it. Scrubbing removes dead cells from the surface so new skin can replace it. Your skin has a protective layer that is removed with too much washing. You can also leave your skin raw and prone to more infections.

4. Pat your skin when drying. You have cleansed, rinsed with plenty of Water and now you are ready to dry your face. Rubbing removes dirt when done gently with a cleanser and the right tools. Patting or blotting the excess water doesn’t stress the skin or the pores. Since you washed in warm water, the pores are still open. You have removed the dirt, but rubbing now could increase inflammation and remove precious moisture from your pores.

5. Clean your face regularly. In order for your skincare regimen to be successful, wash your face twice a day. Having a hit-or-miss routine gives dirt time to build up between washings which won’t lessen problem acne and other skin disorders.
Face cleansing is important for everyone. Follow these few simple rules for a more effective cleansing.


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