Candida-Huge problem amongst most people

Candidiasis & Dysbiosis-The Basis of All Health Imbalances

Expert Author Dr. Anca Martalog N.D.
Treating dysbiosis is the basis of treating all illnesses. Dysbiosis leads to malabsorption, which in turn leads to malnutrition: instead of absorbing good nutrients for living and healing and eliminating toxins and end products of metabolism for proper detoxification, one ends up absorbing toxins, leading to increased degeneration and cellular damage and eliminating useful nutrients, leading to deficiencies and impaired immune system function.

The concept of intestinal dysbiosis is integral to any holistic theory of medicine. Dysbiosis leads to malabsorption, therefore a substantial decrease in the basic nutrients one needs for repair and proper immune functioning; also, by leading to increased toxin absorption, dysbiosis often results in degeneration(end-product of toxicity). By compromising one's ability to heal and detoxify properly, it interferes with one's ability to recover from any illness.

In 1916 Alfred Nissle found that the presence of certain protective strains, E- coli bacteria prevented typhus infections in soldiers. He went on a show that intestinal dysbacteria, or what is known as dysbiosis, plays an important causative role in all chronic disease. E-coli, lactobacillus species, bifidobacteruim, etc, are important inhabitants of a healthy adult's flora. They play a role in absorption and synthesis of folic acid, lactoflavin, niacin, pyridoxal, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, and vitamin K, .However, they have an extremely important role in the modulation of both the local intestinal as well as global immune system.
The common yeast Candida Albicans is present in every individual. Normally, the yeast lives harmlessly in the gastrointestinal tract. However, occasionally the yeast will overgrow and lead to significant disease. Candida overgrowth is believed to cause a wide variety of symptoms as part of a complex medical syndrome. ( the yeast syndrome or chronic candidiasis.) The major body systems most sensitive to the yeast are the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, nervous and immune systems
Allergies have also been attributed to candida overgrowth.

Common causes of intestinal dysbiosis are:
* functional disorders of digestion
* Food intolerances: dairy, eggs, and BROWS grains ( Barley, Rye, Oats, Wheat and spelt) etc.
* Antibiotics
* Corticosteroids
* Heavy metal toxicity, and other toxic influences.
* Intestinal infection
* Stress, anxiety and worry
Typical chronic patient profile
* Sex: adult female
* Age: 15- 50
* Presenting symptoms are non-specific and vary, but here are a few examples:
* Past history: chronic vaginal yeast infections; chronic antibiotic used for infections or acne; oral birth control usage; oral steroids hormone usage.
* Associated conditions: Premenstrual syndrome; sensitivity to foods, chemical and other allergens; endocrine disturbances; psoriasis; irritable bowel syndrome; etc.
* Other: craving for foods rich in carbohydrates or yeast.
* Overgrowth of candida albicans in stool culture.
* Presence of high levels of antibodies against Candida Albicans
* Common symptoms attributed to the intestinal overgrowth of candida albicans can affect any system of the body, but primarily it affects the gastrointestinal, nervous, endocrine and immune systems.
* General symptoms- chronic fatigue, loss of energy, general malaise, decrease libido.
* Gastrointestinal symptoms- thrush ( candida overgrowth of the mouth), bloating, eructations, gas, flatulence, intestinal cramps, rectal itching and altered bowel function, Constipation and /or diarrhea
* Genitourinary complaints- vaginal yeast infection and frequent bladder infections.
* Endocrine system complaints- primarily menstrual complaints.
* Nervous system complaints- depression, irritability and inability to concentrate.
* Immune system complaints- allergies, chemical sensitivities and low immune function.
* Fatigue and lassitude.

Normal intestinal bacteria antagonize the growth of many types of pathogenic bacteria by secreting substances that prevent their development and by directly competing for nutrients and for existing space. The Lactobacillis Acidophilus type for example, has proven to prevent development of the faecal bacterium Escherichia Coli: existing bacteria flora prevents any pathogenic micro-organism from proliferating if it reaches the gastro intestinal tract; this is due to a sort of barrier created by the actions of different bacteria types that compete for vital space and nutriment and which therefore depends the host from external aggression. Morever, since intestinal flora is mostly of a bacteria nature, it constantly stimulates an immune system response; this complex defence reaction protects the body from external aggression and essential in order to sustain the body's physiological health; if the immune response should become less effective, there are greater risks of contracting infections and other ailments.

The successful treatment of chronic candidiasis involves reducing predisposing factors to candida overgrowth.: decreased digestive secretions, diet, impaired immunity,nutrient deficiency, drugs, impaired liver function, underlying disease states and elimination of all factors candida thrives on( antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills) along with all dietary factors inductive to candida overgrowth: a diet high in sugar, yeast and dairy products. Reducing/Eliminating all these, along with specific naturopathic treatment leads to complete eradication of all problems caused by candidiasis.

And now I'd like to offer you to learn more about this topic by offering you FREE access to my upcoming Tele-seminar on the same topic; for details and to download Dr.Anca's Quick Start on your Natural Path, visit


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